Warriors. A Starless Clan. Thunder. Episode 4 (audiobook mp3)

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Erin Hunter's #1 bestselling Warriors series continues! Discover more epic adventure in this fourth book in the Starless Clan arc.Frostpaw was told to trust no cat, but a brutal attack has left her gravely injured, and she'll need to depend onsomeone. When help arrives in the form of a young warrior, she convinces him to protect her as she follows StarClan's cryptic directions toward the roots of RiverClan, where Riverstar has promised she'll find the answers she's been so desperately seeking.Back at the lake, the tension between ShadowClan and its neighbors might be easing, but the peace is fragile. Until StarClan's chosen leader is found, the slightest push could lead the Clans back into outright war.Packed with action and intrigue, this seventh Warriors series is a perfect introduction for new readers, while long-time fans will be thrilled to discover what unfolds after the events of The Broken Code.

ID produktu: 1432979957
Tytuł: Warriors. A Starless Clan. Thunder. Episode 4
Autor: Hunter Erin
Lektor: Andrews MacLeod
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Język oryginału: angielski
Data premiery: 2023-11-28
Rok wydania: 2023
Format: MP3
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