This is Your Do-Over (audiobook mp3)

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From the bestselling coauthor of the YOU series, the ultimate guide to reversing damage, optimizing health, and living a life filled with energy and happiness. If you want to have a better brain and bodyThis is your manual for transformation (Daniel G. Amen, MD, New York Times bestselling author).No matter what kind of lifestyle you lead, no matter what your bad habits, whether youre a smoker, a couch potato, or a marshmallow addict, its never too late to start living a healthy life. You do not have to be destined to a certain health outcome because your parents were on the same path, or because you think youve already done the damage. And you can even change the function of your genes through your lifestyle choices. Bestselling author and renowned chief wellness officer of the Cleveland Clinic gives readers the tools they need to change their habits and get a new start. Dr. Roizen addresses all the areas that contribute to total-body wellnessincluding nutrition, exercise, sex, stress, sleep, and the brain. He shares his seven simple secretsgrounded in cutting-edge scientific research and culled from experience coaching thousandsto healthy living and provides concrete strategies that anyone can implement, regardless of age or health. If you ever wanted a second chance at redoing your life, reimagining the areas that dont workbody, mind, relationships, and moreThis Is Your Do-Over is your guide (Mark Hyman, MD, #1 New York Times bestselling author).
ID produktu: 1273748286
Tytuł: This is Your Do-Over
Autor: Roizen Michael F.
Lektor: Roizen Michael F.
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Język oryginału: angielski
Data premiery: 2019-10-17
Rok wydania: 2015
Format: MP3
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