Smarter Not Harder (audiobook mp3)

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World-renowned biohacker and bestselling author Dave Asprey reveals how to maximize your well-being with the minimum effort, by taking control of your body's operating system. If you want to lose weight, boost your energy, or sharpen your mind, there are shelves of books offering myriad styles of advice. If you want to build up your strength and cardio fitness, there are plenty of gyms and trainers ready to offer you their guidance. What all of these resources have in common is they offer you a bad deal: a lot of effort for a little payoff. Dave Asprey has found a better way. In Smarter Not Harder, the proven master of biohacking exposes the surprising secrets of your body's operating system, or its "MeatOS." That system is naturally designed to be lazy, which is why sweaty exercise routines and rigid diets produce such limited effects. Dave shows us how to hack the MeatOS and make it do what we want it to do, turning it from obstacle into ally. The key to achieving optimum wellness, he reveals, isn't about doing more, it's about doing less-exercising and eating smarter, not harder, and making the body's built in laziness work for you. Smarter Not Harder is not a diet nor a fitness plan. It is a system of targeted biohacks aimed at upgrading your metabolic, neurological, and epigenetic systems. Packed with practical, accessible information on better eating; smart workouts that give you more strength and energy in less time; and strategic therapies to reduce stress and boost resilience-Smarter Not Harder will show you how to achieve lasting health in less time.

ID produktu: 1435469725
Tytuł: Smarter Not Harder
Autor: Asprey Dave
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Data premiery: 2023-12-08
Rok wydania: 2023
Format: MP3
Indeks: 59086024
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