Game Changers: What Leaders, Innovators and Mavericks Do to Win at Life (audiobook mp3)

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The bestselling author of Head Strong and The Bulletproof Diet answers the question "How do I kick more ass?"-providing proven techniques for becoming happier, healthier, and smarter, culled from the wisdom and insight of world-class thought leaders and mavericks of science and business.When Dave Asprey started his Bulletproof Radio podcast more than five years ago, he sought out thought leaders and influencers in an array of disciplines, from biochemists to business titans to mediation masters. These folks were some of the top performing humans in the world, people who had changed their areas of study or even pioneered entirely new fields. Dave wanted to know: What did they have in common? What mattered most to them? What makes them so successful at what they do-and what makes them happiest? And so, at the end of each interview, Dave began asking the same question: "What are your top three recommendations for people who want to kick more ass?"Combing through the recordings, looking for patterns and common threads, he found that the wisdom gleaned from these highly successful people can be distilled into three main categories: body, mind, and spirit. Game Changers is the culmination of Dave's years-long statistical analysis of these conversations, offering thirty-six science-backed, high performance "laws" that are a virtual playbook for how to become not only more successful, but also happier and healthier.Each chapter of Game Changers is structured around one of these laws. Dave combines anecdotes from game changers like Daniel Amen, David Perlmutter, Arianna Huffington, Dan Harris, and Tim Ferris with his own research and practical advice that readers can put into action immediately. From practising gratitude and mindfulness to prioritising social connections and sex, taming fear and anxiety to optimising nutrition and movement, Dave brings together the wisdom of today's game-changers to help everyone optimise their lives.
ID produktu: 1272851538
Tytuł: Game Changers: What Leaders, Innovators and Mavericks Do to Win at Life
Autor: Asprey Dave
Lektor: Adamson Rick
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Język oryginału: angielski
Data premiery: 2019-08-21
Rok wydania: 2018
Format: MP3
Indeks: 41040355
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