Primates of Park Avenue (audiobook mp3)

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An instant #1 New York Times bestseller, Primates of Park Avenue is an amusing, perceptive anddeliciously evil (The New York Times Book Review) memoir of the most secretive and elite tribeManhattans Upper East Side mothers.When Wednesday Martin first arrives on New York Citys Upper East Side, shes clueless about the right addresses, the right wardrobe, and the right schools, and shes taken aback by the glamorous, sharp-elbowed mommies around her. She feels hazed and unwelcome until she begins to look at her new niche through the lens of her academic background in anthropology. As she analyzes the tribes mating and migration patterns, childrearing practices, fetish objects, physical adornment practices, magical purifying rituals, bonding rites, and odd realities like sex segregation, she finds it easier to fit in and even enjoy her new life. Then one day, Wednesdays world is turned upside down, and she finds out theres much more to the women who shes secretly been calling Manhattan Geishas. Think Gossip Girl, but with a sociological study of the parents (, Wednesdays memoir is absolutely eye-popping (People). Primates of Park Avenue lifts a veil on a secret, elite world within a worldthe strange, exotic, and utterly foreign and fascinating life of privileged Manhattan motherhood.
ID produktu: 1272884642
Tytuł: Primates of Park Avenue
Autor: Martin Wednesday
Lektor: Maby Madeleine
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Język oryginału: angielski
Data premiery: 2019-10-17
Rok wydania: 2015
Format: MP3
Indeks: 43774494
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