Generations (audiobook mp3)

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A groundbreaking, revelatory portrait of the six generations that currently live in the United States and how they connect, conflict, and compete with one anotherfrom the acclaimed author of Generation Me and iGen.The United States is currently home to six generations of people: -the Silents, born 19251945 -Baby Boomers, born 19461964 -Gen X, born 19651979 -Millennials, born 19801994 -Gen Z, born 19952012 -and the still-to-be-named cohorts born after 2012. They have had vastly different life experiences and thus, one assumes, they must have vastly diverging beliefs and behaviors. But what are those differences, what causes them, and how deep do they actually run? Professor of psychology and ';reigning expert on generational change' (Lisa Wade, PhD, author of American Hookup), Jean Twenge does a deep dive into a treasure trove of long-running, government-funded surveys and databases to answer these questions. Are we truly defined by major historical events, such as the Great Depression for the Silents and September 11 for Millennials? Or, as Twenge argues, is it the rapid evolution of technology that differentiates the generations? With her clear-eyed and insightful voice, Twenge explores what the Silents and Boomers want out of the rest of their lives; how Gen X-ers are facing middle age; the ideals of Millennials as parents and in the workplace; and how Gen Z has been changed by COVID, among other fascinating topics. Surprising, engaging, and informative, Generations will forever change the way you view your parents, peers, coworkers, and children, no matter which generation you call your own.
ID produktu: 1440302071
Tytuł: Generations
Autor: Twenge Jean M.
Lektor: Maby Madeleine
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Data premiery: 2023-12-15
Rok wydania: 2023
Format: MP3
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