豊かな秋のジャズbgm (Album mp3)

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3 produkty

Cena zestawu:

Dodatkowy rabat:

Opłać i pobierz
1. Summer in the Evening (Key Ab Ver.)
2. The Accidental Java (Key B Ver.)
3. A Cup of Tea, Please (Key E Ver.)
4. The First Drink (Key Eb Ver.)
5. The Theme for Relaxed (Key F Ver.)
6. Gentle Joe (Key D Ver.)
7. Come for a Cup (Key Db Ver.)
8. The Morning Cup of Coffee (Key Eb Ver.)
9. The Coffee and the Moonlight (Key Gb Ver.)
10. The Coffee Shop on the Beach (Key Db Ver.)
11. In the Alleyway (Key F Ver.)
12. A Cup of the Sunrise (Key A Ver.)
13. Lonely Way (Key E Ver.)
14. I See the Color Red (Key E Ver.)
15. A Barista's Scene (Key E Ver.)
16. The Brew at the Bar (Key Ab Ver.)
17. Leafy Greens (Key Bb Ver.)
18. A Bitter Cup of Coffee (Key B Ver.)
19. Seek the Light (Key A Ver.)
20. Indie Coffee Break (Key C Ver.)
21. Cafe Brake (Key D Ver.)
22. Precious Jazz (Key B Ver.)
23. Coffee, Ice and Vodka (Key C Ver.)
24. Coffee and Cinnamon (Key G Ver.)
25. The Jazz at the Cafe (Key Gb Ver.)
26. Runway Brews (Key A Ver.)
27. The Flower of the Day (Key Db Ver.)
28. The Coffee on a Jazz Night (Key B Ver.)
29. Coffee, Jazz and New Friends (Key Db Ver.)
30. Here's My Love (Key Bb Ver.)
ID produktu: 1420311956
Tytuł: 豊かな秋のジャズbgm
Wykonawca: Kaleidoscopic Dreamscape
Dystrybutor: ME Recordings
Gatunek: Jazz
Data premiery: 2023-10-23
Rok wydania: 2023
Liczba płyt: 1
Format: MP3
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