Jazz Background Music Played in Hotel Cafes (Album mp3)

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3 produkty

Cena zestawu:

Dodatkowy rabat:

Opłać i pobierz
1. Coffeehouse in the Twilight (Key Ab Ver.)
2. Gentle Chimes at Dawn (Key C Ver.)
3. Coffee and Jazz (Key B Ver.)
4. Velvet Vermilion Ensemble (Key Db Ver.)
5. Into the Pitstop (Key G Ver.)
6. The Cafe with the Metal Chairs
7. Cafe Reverie in the Autumn (Key G Ver.)
8. The Coffee Series (Key Bb Ver.)
9. The Magician's Cafe
10. At Dusk She Silhouette (Key Eb Ver.)
11. The Barista's Sanctuary (Key D Ver.)
12. Smooth Coffee Experience (Key C Ver.)
13. It's All About Coffee (Key D Ver.)
14. Coffee for the Memories (Key Ab Ver.)
15. The Bar at Dawn (Key A Ver.)
16. A Coffee, Tea and Jazz Mood (Key Gb Ver.)
17. A Relaxing Diet (Key A Ver.)
18. Coffee, a Nice One (Key C Ver.)
19. Warm Jazz (Key Db Ver.)
20. The Cafeteria of the Evergreen (Key B Ver.)
21. Coffee and My Time (Key E Ver.)
22. Tea and a Walk in the Garden (Key E Ver.)
23. Gentle Glitzy Grooves (Key B Ver.)
24. Bluebird and Brass Ballads (Key D Ver.)
25. A Love for Coffee (Key Ab Ver.)
26. Tea in the Backyard (Key Gb Ver.)
27. Coffee to the Soul (Key G Ver.)
28. Smooth Spiced Serenity (Key Bb Ver.)
29. Caramel Leaf Cadence (Key F Ver.)
30. Elegant Umber Euphony (Key F Ver.)
ID produktu: 1446709188
Tytuł: Jazz Background Music Played in Hotel Cafes
Wykonawca: Kaleidoscopic Dreamscape
Dystrybutor: ME Recordings
Gatunek: Jazz
Data premiery: 2023-11-04
Rok wydania: 2023
Liczba płyt: 1
Format: MP3
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