You Love Me (audiobook mp3)

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The highly anticipated new thriller in Caroline Kepness hit YOU series, now a blockbuster Netflix show.Crazy, sexy, cool: Caroline Kepnes gets better - and Joe Goldberg gets worse - with every book ERIN KELLYJoe Goldberg is back. And hes going to start a familyeven if it kills him . . .Joe Goldberg is done with cities, done with the muck and the posers, done with Love. Now, hes saying hello to nature, to simple pleasures on a cosy island in the Pacific Northwest. For the first time in a long time, he can just breathe.He gets a job at the local library he does know a thing or two about books and thats where he meets her: Mary Kay DiMarco.Librarian. Joe wont meddle, he will not obsess. Hell win her the old fashioned way . . . by providing a shoulder to cry on, a helping hand. Over time, theyll both heal their wounds and begin theirhappily ever afterin this sleepy town.The trouble is . . . Mary Kayalready has a life. Shes a mother. Shes a friend. Shes . . . busy.True love can only triumph if both people are willing to make room for the real thing. Joe cleared his decks. Hes ready. And hopefully, with his encouragement and undying support, Mary Kaywill do the right thing and make room forhim.Anutterly unique character and an utterly unique writer, in a marriage made somewhere between heaven and hell RICHARD OSMAN

ID produktu: 1290582605
Tytuł: You Love Me
Autor: Kepnes Caroline
Lektor: Fontana Santino
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Język oryginału: angielski
Data premiery: 2021-12-24
Rok wydania: 2021
Format: MP3
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