Wrapped Up in Christmas Joy (audiobook mp3)

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When Sophie Davis sorts through a box of donated books to her church, she's surprised to find a soldier's journal. As the daughter of a veteran who watched her father struggle over the years, she feels a deep connection to the man who wrote the emotional entries.Former Marine Cole Aaron battled to find peace after returning to civilian life. He's always needed to protect others. Now, fighting fires helps him put out the demons within him. He's embracing his life in Pine Hill, Kentucky, and strives to call a truce with his past. When Sophie shows up at the fire hall with his journal from when he first returned stateside, Cole can't believe it was in the box he'd donated. The book is old news, and he tells her to trash it.Sophie and Cole are drawn together as they both volunteer for their community, but it's hard for Cole to let down his guard, and he doesn't need anyone's pity. After all he's been through in the past, can he find faith in a more hopeful future...one touched by joy? This heartwarming romance includes an original Hallmark recipe for Dilly Duchess Potatoes.

ID produktu: 1373067595
Tytuł: Wrapped Up in Christmas Joy
Autor: Hallmark Publishing , Alexander Cendese , Jacobs Rachel L. , Lynn Janice
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Data premiery: 2023-03-17
Rok wydania: 2020
Format: MP3
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