Women in the Picture (audiobook mp3)

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A bold reconsideration of women in art – from the ‘Old Masters' to the posts of Instagram influencers A perfect pin-up, a damsel in distress, a saintly mother, a femme fatale … Women's identity has long been stifled by a limited set of archetypes, found everywhere in pictures from art history's classics to advertising, while women artists have been overlooked and held back from shaping more empowering roles. In this impassioned book, art historian Catherine McCormack asks us to look again at what these images have told us to value, opening up our most loved images – from those of Titian and Botticelli to Picasso and the Pre-Raphaelites. She also shows us how women artists – from Berthe Morisot to Beyoncé, Judy Chicago to Kara Walker – have offered us new ways of thinking about women's identity, sexuality, race and power. Women in the Picture gives us new ways of seeing the art of the past and the familiar images of today so that we might free women from these restrictive roles and embrace the breadth of women's vision.
ID produktu: 1457199314
Tytuł: Women in the Picture
Autor: Catherine McCormack
Lektor: McCormack Catherine
Wydawnictwo: W. F. Howes Ltd
Język wydania: angielski
Data premiery: 2024-02-09
Rok wydania: 2021
Format: MP3
Liczba urządzeń: bez ograniczeń
Drukowanie: nie dotyczy
Kopiowanie: nie dotyczy
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