Willa and the Whale (audiobook mp3)

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When her mother dies, twelve-year-old Willa feels lost and alone-until she meets and befriends a humpback whale named MegWhile on a whale-watching excursion with her dad, Willa is alone on one side of the boat when she sees a humpback whale. Her awe and wonderment about this massive and beautiful creature turns to shock when the whale communicates with her, introducing herself as Meg.As their friendship develops, Willa comes to view Meg as a trusted confidant-who offers her advice about difficult issues in Willa's life.When a blue whale washes up on shore and dies, the townspeople jump into action with opinions about what to do with it. Willa enlists her friends, family, and the City Council to rescue the body of the whale and donate it to the local university where her mom taught for further study and to display the bones.Feeling good about getting her community to band together in service of science and conservation, Willa returns to the shore to tell Meg about her amazing experience. But Meg tells Willa that it is time for her pod to migrate, and Willa learns that it's okay to say goodbye.Willa and the Whale is a poignant story about caring, loss, and the deep connections that make us human.

ID produktu: 1284287286
Tytuł: Willa and the Whale
Autor: Brown Shelly , Morris Chad
Lektor: Jacobs Rachel
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Język oryginału: angielski
Data premiery: 2021-10-07
Rok wydania: 2020
Format: MP3
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