Why Do Men Fall Asleep After Sex (audiobook mp3)

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Did the mega-bestselling Why Do Men Have Nipples? exhaust your curiosity about stuff odd, icky, kinky, noxious, libidinous, or just plain embarrassing? "No," you say? Well good, because the doctor and his able-bodied buddy are IN! Again! Now go-to authorities for that sort of thing, Mark Leyner and Billy Goldberg, M.D., take on the differences between the sexes—those burning questions like, "Why Doesn't My Husband Ever Listen?" or "Why Does My Wife ALWAYS Have to Pee?" and of course, "Why Do Men Fall Asleep After Sex?" plus plenty of others to keep you fully informed.Full of smart and snarky answers to an onslaught of new questions, all in the do-ask-we'll-tell spirit, that entertain and teach you something at the same time, Why Do Men Fall Asleep After Sex? offers the real lowdown on all the myriad of the things that everyone wants to know about all things anatomical, medical, sexual, nutritional, animal, mineral, but would only ask a physician after a few too many. Bigger, funnier, and better than ever, Why Do Men Fall Asleep After Sex? proves that in the battle of the sexes, as in most things, a little Q&A is a safe, effective, minimally invasive remedy.
ID produktu: 1273075038
Tytuł: Why Do Men Fall Asleep After Sex
Autor: Goldberg Billy , Leyner Mark
Lektor: Leyner Mark
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Język oryginału: angielski
Data premiery: 2019-10-17
Rok wydania: 2006
Format: MP3
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