Wainscott Weasel (audiobook mp3)

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A daring rescue, undying loyalty, and true love fill the pages of Tor Seidlers beloved tale, rightfully compared to Charlottes Web by The New York Times.Bagley isnt your typical trouble-making weaseland he doesnt mind if his non-weaselly ways prompt teasing from his friends. For while other young weasels dance under the pines, Bagley thinks about Bridget, the mesmerizing fish who lives in a pond down the brook from his den. As the two unlikely friends grow closer, Bagley realizes that there is big trouble in Bridgets future. Only a true hero can save Bridget from the gruesome fate that awaits her, and this is exactly what Bagley, much to his own surprise, proves himself to be. Tor Seidlers engagingly imaginative story (Kirkus Reviews) has been a treasured favorite since its original publication in 1994, and this edition features refreshed prints of Fred Marcellinos exceptionally expressive art (Publishers Weekly).
ID produktu: 1272907581
Tytuł: Wainscott Weasel
Autor: Seidler Tor
Lektor: Petkoff Robert
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Język oryginału: angielski
Data premiery: 2019-10-17
Rok wydania: 2015
Format: MP3
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