Via Crucis Way of the Cross in Spain (CD)


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The Way of the Cross (or the Stations of the Cross) does not belong to the liturgy but rather to devotional practice, and has always represented one of the more intense and heartfelt moments of popular worship. The music selected for this recording belongs to the great repertory of the Spanish Renaissance, a period spanning the late fifteenth century up to the time of Victoria. The choice of music is based upon the connection among the various composers as their highly expressive use of musical colour, rendering the music evocative, visual and plastic. The works are of rare beauty and invite us to witness a veritable musical drama. Listening to the sequence of motets from Morales to Anchieta, from Esquivel to Guerrero is like processing along the aisle, viewing the bas-reliefs that represent each of the Stations of the Cross. Within the arc of the 14 stations the two visions of the prophet and the dramatic cry of Christ, have been inserted.

ID produktu: 1047594354
Tytuł: Via Crucis Way of the Cross in Spain
Seria: Entree
Wykonawca: Daltrocanto
Dyrygent: Tabbia Dario
Dystrybutor: Music Island
Data premiery: 2012-03-01
Rok nagrania: 2005
Producent: Christophorus
Nośnik: CD
Liczba nośników: 1
Rodzaj opakowania: Jewel Case
Wymiary w opakowaniu [mm]: 125 x 10 x 142
Indeks: 11276357
średnia 5
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