Vaughan Williams: On Wenlock Edge & Other Songs (Album mp3)

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3 produkty

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Opłać i pobierz
1. Vaughan Williams: 4 Hymns: No. 1, Lord! Come Away!
2. Vaughan Williams: 4 Hymns: No. 2, Who Is This fair One?
3. Vaughan Williams: 4 Hymns: No. 3, Come Love, Come Lord
4. Vaughan Williams: 4 Hymns: No. 4, Evening Hymn
5. Vaughan Williams: The House of Life: No. 1, Love-Sight
6. Vaughan Williams: The House of Life: No. 2, Silent Noon
7. Vaughan Williams: The House of Life: No. 3, Love's Minstrels
8. Vaughan Williams: The House of Life: No. 4, Heart's Haven
9. Vaughan Williams: The House of Life: No. 5, Death in Love
10. Vaughan Williams: The House of Life: No. 6, Love's Last Gift
11. Vaughan Williams: 15 Folk Songs from the Eastern Counties: No. 10, The Saucy Bold Robber
12. Vaughan Williams: 15 Folk Songs from the Eastern Counties: No. 15, Harry the Tailor
13. Vaughan Williams: 6 English Folk Songs: No. 4, The Brewer
14. Vaughan Williams: On Wenlock Edge: No. 1, On Wenlock Edge
15. Vaughan Williams: On Wenlock Edge: No. 2, From Far, From Eve and Morning
16. Vaughan Williams: On Wenlock Edge: No. 3, Is My Team Ploughing?
17. Vaughan Williams: On Wenlock Edge: No. 4, Oh, When I Was in Love with You
18. Vaughan Williams: On Wenlock Edge: No. 5, Bredon Hill
19. Vaughan Williams: On Wenlock Edge: No. 6, Clun
ID produktu: 1402751336
Tytuł: Vaughan Williams: On Wenlock Edge & Other Songs
Wykonawca: Nicky Spence, Julius Drake
Solista: Nicky Spence, Julius Drake
Dystrybutor: Hyperion
Gatunek: Classical
Data premiery: 2023-07-28
Rok wydania: 2022
Liczba płyt: 1
Format: MP3
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