Unfaithful (audiobook mp3)

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When I arrive unannounced at my husband's studio in need of a shoulder to cry on after hearing that my best student, Alex, has died, I see a pair of wineglasses drying by the sink, and my deepest fear is confirmed: my husband is having an affair. Most women would fall to their knees in tears and throw him out of the house-but I just can't bring myself to do it. Instead, I go home and cook a healthy dinner for our children, walk the dog, and unload the dishwasher without complaint. I will make him see that I'm still the woman he married; attractive, successful, the glue that holds our perfect family together. I need this marriage to work to protect a terrible secret of my own, something that would destroy everything I've already sacrificed so much for. But when the police arrive at my door asking questions about Alex's death that I can't answer, and threatening text messages start appearing on my phone, I know that someone close has been watching me very carefully.
ID produktu: 1375363819
Tytuł: Unfaithful
Autor: Natalie Barelli , Emily Rankin
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Data premiery: 2023-03-30
Rok wydania: 2020
Format: MP3
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