Travelling Cat Chronicles (audiobook mp3)

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Random House presents the audiobook edition of The Travelling Cat Chronicles by Hiro Arikawa, read by George Blagden. The tender feelgood story of a man's journey around Japan with a streetcat. Translated by Philip Gabriel, a translator of Murakami. It's not the journey that counts, but who's at your side.Nana is on a road trip, but he is not sure where he is going. All that matters is that he can sit beside his beloved owner Satoru in the front seat of his silver van. Satoru is keen to visit three old friends from his youth, though Nana doesn't know why and Satoru won't say. Set against the backdrop of Japan's changing seasons and narrated with a rare gentleness and humour, Nana's story explores the wonder and thrill of life's unexpected detours. It is about the value of friendship and solitude, and knowing when to give and when to take. TRAVELLING CAT has already demonstrated its power to move thousands with a message of kindness and truth. It shows, above all, how acts of love, both great and small, can transform our lives.A WATERSONES PAPERBACK OF THE YEAR 2017'Bewitching... as self-possessed and comforting as - well, a cat' SUNDAY TELEGRAPH'A delightful tale of loyalty and friendship' JOHN BOYNE, IRISH TIMES
ID produktu: 1273836712
Tytuł: Travelling Cat Chronicles
Autor: Arikawa Hiro
Tłumacz: Gabriel Philip
Lektor: Blagden George
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Język oryginału: japoński
Data premiery: 2019-08-21
Rok wydania: 2018
Format: MP3
Indeks: 56531251
średnia 5
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