Tinder Translator (audiobook mp3)

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Audiobook | audiobook mp3
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Tinder Translator is a dictionary of douchebaggery for the modern dater – and a hilariously sharp read for all feminists – from Aileen Barratt of @TinderTranslators. It will make you laugh, sigh, think, and leave you feeling empowered and resilient. Ten years after the introduction of Tinder, dating apps have changed the terrain of human interaction, but many feel like they've been sent into the wilderness without a guide. For those dating cis-het men especially, the blatant misogyny encountered during every swipe session is depressing and enraging in equal measure. And then there is the not-so-blatant stuff. Scrolling through profile after profile, you'll see the same stock phrases: Good vibes only. Must have banter. Just ask. But what do they actually mean? Tinder Translator takes you through an A to Z of terminology that permeates not just the dating world but the wider world. Through her Instagram account, Aileen has heard from thousands of people on their dating experiences, in addition to her own years spent on dating apps. This book is part reference, part rant and part rallying cry for anyone navigating the sometimes gross and exhausting experience of dating, but also just for everyone who is sick of the patriarchy, whatever their relationship status.

ID produktu: 1432987123
Tytuł: Tinder Translator
Autor: Aileen Barratt
Lektor: Barratt Aileen
Wydawnictwo: W. F. Howes Ltd
Język wydania: angielski
Język oryginału: angielski
Data premiery: 2023-11-28
Rok wydania: 2023
Format: MP3
Liczba urządzeń: bez ograniczeń
Drukowanie: nie dotyczy
Kopiowanie: nie dotyczy
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