The Passenger (audiobook mp3)

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She takes the same train every day. But this is a journey she'll never forget. The Passenger is a stunning psychological thriller with a nerve-shredding climax. Perfect for fans of Mark Edwards, K.L. Slater, Miranda Rijks. Amanda is a hardworking single mum, completely focused on her job and her daughter, Louise. She's been saving for years and now, finally, she can afford to give up work and chase her dream. But then, on her commute home from London to Brighton, she meets a charming stranger - who seems to know everything about her. He delivers an ultimatum . She needs to give him the code for the safe where she keeps her savings before the train reaches Brighton - or she'll never see Louise again. Convinced that the threat is real, Amanda is stunned, horrified. She knows she should give him the code, but she can't. Because she also knows there is a terrible secret in that safe which will destroy her life and Louise's too… “Hurst draws the reader into his characters' world and turns our expectations on their heads as we try and navigate through this unusual and cleverly drawn plot." -ON THE SHELF BOOKS

ID produktu: 1440294994
Tytuł: The Passenger
Autor: Daniel Hurst
Lektor: Whelan Deirdra, Bush Rupert
Wydawnictwo: QUEST from W. F. Howes Ltd
Język wydania: angielski
Data premiery: 2023-12-15
Rok wydania: 2021
Format: MP3
Liczba urządzeń: bez ograniczeń
Drukowanie: nie dotyczy
Kopiowanie: nie dotyczy
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