The Night I Met Father Christmas (audiobook mp3)

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A gorgeous tale brimming with the magic of Christmas. A sheer delight for all kids both big AND small. Ruth Jones, award-winning writer and comedian Enchanting, funny and intriguing in equal measure Philip Ardagh, bestselling author You can always tell when a children's book has been written by a brilliant father because there's a particular intimacy, warmth and mischievous humour that bubbles through it ... irresistible Alexander Armstrong, presenter, comedian and writerJacksonknows all about the flying reindeer, he knows about the elves and the secret North Pole workshop, he knows about the magic that allows Father Christmas to deliver presents around the world in just one night, but theres one thing he doesnt know ... how did Father Christmas become Father Christmas? That all changes when, one Christmas Eve, Jackson meets Father Christmas and hears his incredible story. So begins an enchanting fairy-tale into a magical snowy landscape, where Torvil, a mean-spirited and miserly elf, is about to discover the true meaning of Christmas. This might not have been the story Jackson was expecting but, as Father Christmas tells him, no good story ever is... Get ready for a Christmas classic in the making from actor and comedian Ben Millerread by the author himself!

ID produktu: 1284831704
Tytuł: The Night I Met Father Christmas
Autor: Miller Ben
Lektor: Miller Ben
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Język oryginału: angielski
Data premiery: 2021-10-14
Rok wydania: 2018
Format: MP3
Indeks: 40616346
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