The Age of Bel Canto (Album mp3)

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3 produkty

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1. Piccinni: La Buona Figliuola - "Furia di donna"
2. Handel: Atalanta, HWV 35 / Act 1 - "Care selve"
3. Lampugnani: Meraspe - "Superbo di me stesso"
4. Handel: Samson HWV 57/ Act 2 - "With Plaintive Note"
5. Handel: Semele HWV 58 / Act 2 - "Hence, Iris, hence away"
6. Bononcini: Astarto - "Mio caro ben"
7. Arne: Artaxerxes / Act 1 - "O too lovely"
8. Shield: Light as thistledown
9. Shield: When William at Eve
10. Mozart: Il re pastore, K.208 / Act 2 - "Voi che fausti ognor donate"
11. Mozart: Die Zauberflöte, K.620 / Act 1 - "O zittre nicht"
12. Mozart: Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K.384 / Act 3 - "Ich baue ganz auf deine Stärke"
13. Boiëldieu: Ma fanchette est charmante
14. Rossini: Semiramide / Act 1 - "Serbami ognor"
15. Auber: La Muette de Portici - "Ferme tes yeux"
16. Weber: Der Freischütz, J. 277 / Act 3 - "Und ob die Wolke sie verhülle"
17. Bellini: Beatrice di Tenda / Act 2 - "Angiol di pace"
18. Donizetti: Don Pasquale / Act 3 - "Tornami a dir"
19. Donizetti: Lucrezia Borgia / Act 2 - "Il segreto per esser felici"
20. Verdi: Attila / Prologue - "Santo di patria...Allor che i forti corrono"
21. Bellini: La Straniera - "Un ritratto?...Veggiam"
22. Rossini: Il barbiere di Siviglia / Act 1 - Cavatina: "Ecco, ridente in cielo"
23. Arditi: Bolero
ID produktu: 1280585038
Tytuł: The Age of Bel Canto
Wykonawca: Joan Sutherland, Marilyn Horne, Richard Conrad, London Symphony Orchestra, New Symphony Orchestra of London, Richard Bonynge
Solista: Marilyn Horne, Richard Conrad, London Symphony Orchestra, Richard Bonynge, Joan Sutherland, New Symphony Orchestra of London
Dyrygent: Richard Bonynge
Orkiestra: London Symphony Orchestra, New Symphony Orchestra of London
Dystrybutor: Decca Music Group Ltd.
Gatunek: Classical
Data premiery: 2018-01-17
Rok wydania: 1964
Liczba płyt: 1
Format: MP3
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