Talisman (audiobook mp3)

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, Audiobook | audiobook mp3
214,99 zł

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The iconic, ';extraordinary' (The Washington Post) collaboration between bestselling authors Stephen King and Peter Strauban epic thriller about a young boy's quest to save his mother's life.Jack Sawyer, twelve years old, is about to begin a most fantastic journey, an exalting, terrifying quest for the mystical Talismanthe only thing that can save Jack's dying mother. But to reach his goal, Jack must make his way not only across the breadth of the United States but also through the wondrous and menacing parallel world of the Territories. In the Territories, Jack finds another realm, where the air is so sweet and clear a man can smell a radish being pulled from the ground a mile awayand a life can be snuffed out instantly in the continuing struggle between good and evil. Here Jack discovers ';Twinners,' reflections of the people he knows on earthmost notably Queen Laura, the Twinner of Jack's own imperiled mother. As Jack ';flips' between worlds, making his way westward toward the redemptive Talisman, a sequence of heart-stopping encounters challenges him at every step. An unforgettable epic of adventure and resounding triumph, The Talisman is one of the most influential and highly praised works of fantasy ever written.
ID produktu: 1273740415
Tytuł: Talisman
Autor: Straub Peter , King Stephen
Lektor: Muller Frank
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Język oryginału: angielski
Data premiery: 2021-03-19
Rok wydania: 2012
Format: MP3
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