Stravinsky: The Firebird (Album mp3)

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3 produkty

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Opłać i pobierz
1. Stravinsky: The Firebird (L'oiseau de feu) - Ballet (1910) - Introduction
2. Stravinsky: The Firebird (L'oiseau de feu) - Ballet (1910) - Kashchei's enchanted garden
3. Stravinsky: The Firebird (L'oiseau de feu) - Ballet (1910) - Appearance of the Firebird pursued by Ivan Tsarevich
4. Stravinsky: The Firebird (L'oiseau de feu) - Ballet (1910) - Dance of the Firebird
5. Stravinsky: The Firebird (L'oiseau de feu) - Ballet (1910) - Ivan Tsarevich captures the Firebird
6. Stravinsky: The Firebird (L'oiseau de feu) - Ballet (1910) - Supplication of the Firebird
7. Stravinsky: The Firebird (L'oiseau de feu) - Ballet (1910) - Game of the Princesses with the golden apples
8. Stravinsky: The Firebird (L'oiseau de feu) - Ballet (1910) - Sudden appearance of Ivan Tsarevich
9. Stravinsky: The Firebird (L'oiseau de feu) - Ballet (1910) - Round dance of the Princesses
10. Stravinsky: The Firebird (L'oiseau de feu) - Ballet (1910) - Daybreak
11. Stravinsky: The Firebird (L'oiseau de feu) - Ballet (1910) - Magic carillon, appearance of Kashchei's guardian monsters and capture of Ivan Tsarevich
12. Stravinsky: The Firebird (L'oiseau de feu) - Ballet (1910) - Dance of Kashchei's retinue under the spell of the Firebird
13. Stravinsky: The Firebird (L'oiseau de feu) - Ballet (1910) - Infernal dance of all Kashchei's subject's
14. Stravinsky: The Firebird (L'oiseau de feu) - Ballet (1910) - Lullaby of the Firebird
15. Stravinsky: The Firebird (L'oiseau de feu) - Ballet (1910) - Collapse of Kashchei's Palace and Dissolution of All Enchantments - Reanimation of the Petrified Prisoners - General Rejoicing
16. Stravinsky: Scherzo Fantastique, Op.3
17. Stravinsky: Fireworks
ID produktu: 1113011507
Tytuł: Stravinsky: The Firebird
Wykonawca: Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal, Charles Dutoit
Solista: Charles Dutoit, Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal
Dyrygent: Charles Dutoit
Orkiestra: Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal
Dystrybutor: Universal
Gatunek: Classical
Data premiery: 2016-01-22
Rok wydania: 1986
Liczba płyt: 1
Format: MP3
Indeks: 23570092
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