Stravinsky: The Complete Ballets & Symphonies (Album mp3)

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3 produkty

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1. Stravinsky: The Firebird (L'oiseau de feu) - Ballet (1910) - Introduction
2. Stravinsky: The Firebird (L'oiseau de feu) - Ballet (1910) - Kashchei's enchanted garden
3. Stravinsky: The Firebird (L'oiseau de feu) - Ballet (1910) - Appearance of the Firebird pursued by Ivan Tsarevich
4. Stravinsky: The Firebird (L'oiseau de feu) - Ballet (1910) - Dance of the Firebird
5. Stravinsky: The Firebird (L'oiseau de feu) - Ballet (1910) - Ivan Tsarevich captures the Firebird
6. Stravinsky: The Firebird (L'oiseau de feu) - Ballet (1910) - Supplication of the Firebird
7. Stravinsky: The Firebird (L'oiseau de feu) - Ballet (1910) - Game of the Princesses with the golden apples
8. Stravinsky: The Firebird (L'oiseau de feu) - Ballet (1910) - Sudden appearance of Ivan Tsarevich
9. Stravinsky: The Firebird (L'oiseau de feu) - Ballet (1910) - Round dance of the Princesses
10. Stravinsky: The Firebird (L'oiseau de feu) - Ballet (1910) - Daybreak
11. Stravinsky: The Firebird (L'oiseau de feu) - Ballet (1910) - Magic carillon, appearance of Kashchei's guardian monsters and capture of Ivan Tsarevich
12. Stravinsky: The Firebird (L'oiseau de feu) - Ballet (1910) - Dance of Kashchei's retinue under the spell of the Firebird
13. Stravinsky: The Firebird (L'oiseau de feu) - Ballet (1910) - Infernal dance of all Kashchei's subject's
14. Stravinsky: The Firebird (L'oiseau de feu) - Ballet (1910) - Lullaby of the Firebird
15. Stravinsky: The Firebird (L'oiseau de feu) - Ballet (1910) - Collapse of Kashchei's Palace and Dissolution of All Enchantments - Reanimation of the Petrified Prisoners - General Rejoicing
16. Stravinsky: Les Noces - Première Partie - Premier tableau: "La Tresse"
17. Stravinsky: Les Noces - Première Partie - Deuxième tableau: Chez le Marié
18. Stravinsky: Les Noces - Première Partie - Troisième tableau: Le départ de la Mariée
19. Stravinsky: Les Noces - Deuxième Partie - Quatrième tableau: Le repas de noces
20. Stravinsky: Movements For Piano & Orchestra - 1. I
21. Stravinsky: Movements For Piano & Orchestra - 2. II
22. Stravinsky: Movements For Piano & Orchestra - 3. III
23. Stravinsky: Movements For Piano & Orchestra - 4. IV
24. Stravinsky: Movements For Piano & Orchestra - 5. V
1. Stravinsky: Petrouchka - Version 1947 - Scene 1 - The Shrovetide Fair - The Crowds - The Conjuring-trick
2. Stravinsky: Petrouchka - Version 1947 - Scene 1 - Russian Dance
3. Stravinsky: Petrouchka - Version 1947 - Scene 2 - Petrouchka's Room
4. Stravinsky: Petrouchka - Version 1947 - Scene 3 - The Moor's Room - Dance of the Ballerina
5. Stravinsky: Petrouchka - Version 1947 - Scene 3 - Waltz (The Ballerina and the Moor)
6. Stravinsky: Petrouchka - Version 1947 - Scene 4 - The Shrovetide Fair (Evening)
7. Stravinsky: Petrouchka - Version 1947 - Scene 4 - Dance of the Wet-nurses
8. Stravinsky: Petrouchka - Version 1947 - Scene 4 - Dance of the Peasant and the Bear
9. Stravinsky: Petrouchka - Version 1947 - Scene 4 - The Merchant and the Gipsies
10. Stravinsky: Petrouchka - Version 1947 - Scene 4 - Dance of the Coachmen and the Grooms
11. Stravinsky: Petrouchka - Version 1947 - Scene 4 - The Masqueraders
12. Stravinsky: Petrouchka - Version 1947 - Scene 4 - The Scuffle
13. Stravinsky: Petrouchka - Version 1947 - Scene 4 - Death of Petrouchka
14. Stravinsky: Petrouchka - Version 1947 - Scene 4 - The Police and the Charlatan
15. Stravinsky: Petrouchka - Version 1947 - Scene 4 - Apparition of Petrouchka's Ghost
16. Stravinsky: Le Sacre du Printemps - Revised version for Orchestra (published 1947) - Part 1: The Adoration of the Earth - Introduction
17. Stravinsky: Le Sacre du Printemps - Revised version for Orchestra (published 1947) - Part 1: The Adoration of the Earth - The Augurs Of Spring: Dances Of The Young Girls
18. Stravinsky: Le Sacre du Printemps - Revised version for Orchestra (published 1947) - Part 1: The Adoration of the Earth - Ritual Of Abduction
19. Stravinsky: Le Sacre du Printemps - Revised version for Orchestra (published 1947) - Part 1: The Adoration of the Earth - Spring Rounds
20. Stravinsky: Le Sacre du Printemps - Revised version for Orchestra (published 1947) - Part 1: The Adoration of the Earth - Ritual Of The Rival Tribes
21. Stravinsky: Le Sacre du Printemps - Revised version for Orchestra (published 1947) - Part 1: The Adoration of the Earth - Procession of the Sage
22. Stravinsky: Le Sacre du Printemps - Revised version for Orchestra (published 1947) - Part 1: The Adoration of the Earth - Dance Of The Earth
23. Stravinsky: Le Sacre du Printemps - Revised version for Orchestra (published 1947) - Part 2: The Sacrifice - Introduction
24. Stravinsky: Le Sacre du Printemps - Revised version for Orchestra (published 1947) - Part 2: The Sacrifice - Mystic Circles Of The Young Girls
25. Stravinsky: Le Sacre du Printemps - Revised version for Orchestra (published 1947) - Part 2: The Sacrifice - Glorification Of The Chosen One
26. Stravinsky: Le Sacre du Printemps - Revised version for Orchestra (published 1947) - Part 2: The Sacrifice - Evocation Of The Ancestors
27. Stravinsky: Le Sacre du Printemps - Revised version for Orchestra (published 1947) - Part 2: The Sacrifice - Ritual Action Of The Ancestors
28. Stravinsky: Le Sacre du Printemps - Revised version for Orchestra (published 1947) - Part 2: The Sacrifice - Sacrificial Dance (The Chosen One)
1. Stravinsky: The Song of the Nightingale (Le chant du rossignol)
2. Stravinsky: Pulcinella Ballet in one Act - 1. Ouverture: Allegro moderato
3. Stravinsky: Pulcinella Ballet in one Act - 2. Serenata: Larghetto: "Mentre l'erbetta"
4. Stravinsky: Pulcinella Ballet in one Act - 3. Scherzino: Allegro
5. Stravinsky: Pulcinella Ballet in one Act - 4. Allegro
6. Stravinsky: Pulcinella Ballet in one Act - 5. Andantino
7. Stravinsky: Pulcinella Ballet in one Act - 6. Allegro
8. Stravinsky: Pulcinella Ballet in one Act - 7. Ancora poco meno: "Contento forse vivere"
9. Stravinsky: Pulcinella Ballet in one Act - 8. Allegro assai
10. Stravinsky: Pulcinella Ballet in one Act - 9. Allegro - alla breve: "Con queste paroline"
11. Stravinsky: Pulcinella Ballet in one Act - 10. Andante: "Sento dire no'ncè pace"
12. Stravinsky: Pulcinella Ballet in one Act - 11. Allegro: "Ncè sta quaccuna po" - "Una te falan" zemp
13. Stravinsky: Pulcinella Ballet in one Act - 12. Presto: "Una te fa la zemprece"
14. Stravinsky: Pulcinella Ballet in one Act - 13. Allegro - alla breve
15. Stravinsky: Pulcinella Ballet in one Act - 14. Tarantella
16. Stravinsky: Pulcinella Ballet in one Act - 15. Andantino: "Se tu m'ami"
17. Stravinsky: Pulcinella Ballet in one Act - 16. Allegro
18. Stravinsky: Pulcinella Ballet in one Act - 17. Gavotta con due variazioni
19. Stravinsky: Pulcinella Ballet in one Act - 18 Vivo
20. Stravinsky: Pulcinella Ballet in one Act - 19. Tempo di minuetto: "Pupillette, fiammette d'amore"
21. Stravinsky: Pulcinella Ballet in one Act - 20. Allegro assai
1. Stravinsky: Apollon musagète (1947 Version) - 1. Birth Of Apollo
2. Stravinsky: Apollon musagète (1947 Version) - 2. Variation Of Apollo (Apollo And The Muses)
3. Stravinsky: Apollon musagète (1947 Version) - 3. Pas d'action (Apollo And The 3 Muses)
4. Stravinsky: Apollon musagète (1947 Version) - 4. Variation Of Calliope (The Alexandrine)
5. Stravinsky: Apollon musagète (1947 Version) - 5. Variation Of Polyhymnia
6. Stravinsky: Apollon musagète (1947 Version) - 6. Variation Of Terpsichore
7. Stravinsky: Apollon musagète (1947 Version) - 7. Variation Of Apollo
8. Stravinsky: Apollon musagète (1947 Version) - 8. Pas de deux (Apollo And Terpsichore)
9. Stravinsky: Apollon musagète (1947 Version) - 9. Coda
10. Stravinsky: Apollon musagète (1947 Version) - 10. Apotheosis
11. Stravinsky: Divertimento from "Baiser de la fée" - 1. Sinfonia
12. Stravinsky: Divertimento from "Baiser de la fée" - 2. Danses suisses
13. Stravinsky: Divertimento from "Baiser de la fée" - 3. Scherzo
14. Stravinsky: Divertimento from "Baiser de la fée" - 4a. Pas de deux (Adagio)
15. Stravinsky: Divertimento from "Baiser de la fée" - 4ba. Pas de deux (Variation)
16. Stravinsky: Divertimento from "Baiser de la fée" - 4bb. Pas de deux (Coda)
17. Stravinsky: Scènes de ballet - Introduction
18. Stravinsky: Scènes de ballet - Danses (corps de ballet)
19. Stravinsky: Scènes de ballet - Variation (Ballerina)
20. Stravinsky: Scènes de ballet - Pantomime
21. Stravinsky: Scènes de ballet - Pas de deux
22. Stravinsky: Scènes de ballet - Pantomime
23. Stravinsky: Scènes de ballet - Variation (Dancer)
24. Stravinsky: Scènes de ballet - Variation (Ballerina)
25. Stravinsky: Scènes de ballet - Pantomime
26. Stravinsky: Scènes de ballet - Danses (Corps de Ballet)
27. Stravinsky: Scènes de ballet - Apothéose
1. Stravinsky: Jeu de cartes - Première donne
2. Stravinsky: Jeu de cartes - Deuxième donne
3. Stravinsky: Jeu de cartes - Troisième donne
4. Stravinsky: Orpheus - Ballet in 3 Scenes - 1st scene - Introduction
5. Stravinsky: Orpheus - Ballet in 3 Scenes - 1st scene - Air de danse
6. Stravinsky: Orpheus - Ballet in 3 Scenes - 1st scene - L'ange de la mort et sa danse
7. Stravinsky: Orpheus - Ballet in 3 Scenes - Interlude
8. Stravinsky: Orpheus - Ballet in 3 Scenes - 2nd scene - Pas de furies
9. Stravinsky: Orpheus - Ballet in 3 Scenes - 2nd scene - Air de danse
10. Stravinsky: Orpheus - Ballet in 3 Scenes - 2nd scene - Interlude
11. Stravinsky: Orpheus - Ballet in 3 Scenes - 2nd scene - Air de danse
12. Stravinsky: Orpheus - Ballet in 3 Scenes - 2nd scene - Pas d'action
13. Stravinsky: Orpheus - Ballet in 3 Scenes - 2nd scene - Pas de deux
14. Stravinsky: Orpheus - Ballet in 3 Scenes - 2nd scene - Pas de deux
15. Stravinsky: Orpheus - Ballet in 3 Scenes - 2nd scene - Interlude
16. Stravinsky: Orpheus - Ballet in 3 Scenes - 3rd scene - Apotheose d'Orphée
17. Stravinsky: Agon - Ballet (1957) - 1. Pas-de-quatre
18. Stravinsky: Agon - Ballet (1957) - 2. Double pas-de-quatre
19. Stravinsky: Agon - Ballet (1957) - 3. Triple pas-de-quatre
20. Stravinsky: Agon - Ballet (1957) - 4. Prelude
21. Stravinsky: Agon - Ballet (1957) - 5. 1st pas-de-trois: Saraband - step
22. Stravinsky: Agon - Ballet (1957) - 6. 1st pas-de-trois: Gaillarde
23. Stravinsky: Agon - Ballet (1957) - 7. 1st pas-de-trois: Coda
24. Stravinsky: Agon - Ballet (1957) - 8. Interlude
25. Stravinsky: Agon - Ballet (1957) - 9. 2nd pas-de-trois: Bransle simple
26. Stravinsky: Agon - Ballet (1957) - 10. 2nd pas-de-trois: Bransle gay
27. Stravinsky: Agon - Ballet (1957) - 11. 2nd pas-de-trois: Bransle double
28. Stravinsky: Agon - Ballet (1957) - 12. Interlude
29. Stravinsky: Agon - Ballet (1957) - 13. Pas-de-deux
30. Stravinsky: Agon - Ballet (1957) - 14. Coda
31. Stravinsky: Agon - Ballet (1957) - 15. Four Duos
32. Stravinsky: Agon - Ballet (1957) - 16. Four Trios
1. Stravinsky: Fireworks
2. Stravinsky: Symphony No.1 in E flat, Op.1 - 1. Allegro moderato
3. Stravinsky: Symphony No.1 in E flat, Op.1 - 2. Scherzo: Allegretto
4. Stravinsky: Symphony No.1 in E flat, Op.1 - 3. Largo
5. Stravinsky: Symphony No.1 in E flat, Op.1 - 4. Finale: Allegro molto
6. Stravinsky: Scherzo Fantastique, Op.3
7. Stravinsky: Scherzo à la Russe
8. Stravinsky: Capriccio For Piano & Orchestra - 1. Presto
9. Stravinsky: Capriccio For Piano & Orchestra - 2. Andante Rapsodico
10. Stravinsky: Capriccio For Piano & Orchestra - 3. Allegro Capriccioso
1. Stravinsky: Symphony in C - 1. Moderato alla breve - Tempo agitato senza troppo accelerare - Tempo I
2. Stravinsky: Symphony in C - 2. Larghetto concertante -
3. Stravinsky: Symphony in C - 3. Allegretto - Meno mosso - Tempo I - Più mosso - Tempo I
4. Stravinsky: Symphony in C - 4. Largo - Tempo giusto, alla breve - Poco meno mosso
5. Stravinsky: Symphony in 3 Movements - 1. Allegro
6. Stravinsky: Symphony in 3 Movements - 2. Andante - Interlude (L'istesso tempo)-
7. Stravinsky: Symphony in 3 Movements - 3. Con moto
8. Stravinsky: Symphonies for Wind Instruments
9. Stravinsky: Symphonie de Psaumes - 1. Exaudi orationem meam, Domine
10. Stravinsky: Symphonie de Psaumes - 2. Expectans expectavi Dominum
11. Stravinsky: Symphonie de Psaumes - 3. Alleluia, laudate Dominum
ID produktu: 1086943601
Tytuł: Stravinsky: The Complete Ballets & Symphonies
Wykonawca: Vladimir Ashkenazy, Riccardo Chailly, Charles Dutoit
Solista: Vladimir Ashkenazy, Riccardo Chailly, Charles Dutoit
Dyrygent: Vladimir Ashkenazy, Riccardo Chailly, Charles Dutoit
Dystrybutor: Universal
Gatunek: Classical
Data premiery: 2011-09-09
Rok wydania: 2011
Liczba płyt: 7
Format: MP3
Indeks: 24245258
średnia 4
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