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Adaptation of the award-winning comic series created by Frank Miller. Interweaving multiple storylines from the series' history, the film paints a picture of the ultimate town through the eyes of its roughest characters. There's the street thug Marv (Mickey Rourke), whose desperate quest to find the killer of a prostitute named Goldie (Jaime King) will lead him to the foulest edges of town. Inhabiting many of those areas is Dwight (Clive Owen), a photographer in league with the sordid ladies of Sin City, headed by Gail (Rosario Dawson), who opens up a mess of trouble after tangling with a corrupt cop by the name of Jackie Boy (Benicio Del Toro). Finally, there's Hartigan (Bruce Willis), an ex-cop with a heart problem who's hell-bent on protecting a stripper named Nancy (Jessica Alba).
ID produktu: 1229934871
Tytuł: Sin City (brak polskiej wersji językowej)
Reżyser: Tarantino Quentin , Rodriguez Robert , Miller Frank
Obsada: Dawson Rosario , Wood Elijah , Hauer Rutger , Boothe Powers , Hartnett Josh , Toro Benicio Del , Madsen Michael , Stahl Nick , Owen Clive , Alba Jessica , Rourke Mickey , Willis Bruce , Murphy Brittany , Duncan Michael Clarke
Producent: Miramax
Dystrybutor: Miramax
Data premiery: 2011-01-18
Region Blu-Ray: B
Czas trwania (min.): 126
Lektor: tak
Lektor języki: angielski
Nośnik: Blu-ray Disc
Indeks: 34061220
średnia 5
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