Silent Noon (Album mp3)

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3 produkty

Cena zestawu:

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Opłać i pobierz
1. Quilter: 3 Shakespeare Songs, Op.6 - 1. Come Away Death
2. Quilter: 3 Shakespeare Songs, Op.6 - 2. O Mistress Mine
3. Quilter: 3 Shakespeare Songs, Op.6 - 3. Blow, Blow, Thy Winter Wind
4. Gurney: Five Elizabethan Songs (The Elizas) - 4. Sleep
5. Keel: Three Salt-Water Ballads - 1. Port of Many Ships
6. Keel: Three Salt-Water Ballads - 2. Trade Winds
7. Keel: Three Salt-Water Ballads - 3. Mother Carey
8. Elwyn-Edwards: The Cloths of Heaven (Gwiseg Nefoedd)
9. Vaughan Williams: Silent noon
10. Vaughan Williams: Linden Lea
11. Quilter: 3 Songs, Op.3 - 2. Now Sleeps The Crimson Petal
12. Quilter: Weep you no more, Op.12, No.1
13. Quilter: 5 Songs, Op.24 - No.3 Go, lovely Rose
14. Somervell: A Shropshire Lad - 1. Loveliest of Trees
15. Somervell: A Shropshire Lad - 2. When I was One-and-Twenty
16. Somervell: A Shropshire Lad - 3. There Pass the Careless People
17. Somervell: A Shropshire Lad - 4. In Summertime on Bredon
18. Somervell: A Shropshire Lad - 5. The Street Sounds to the Soldiers' Tread
19. Somervell: A Shropshire Lad - 6. On the Idle Hill of Summer
20. Somervell: A Shropshire Lad - 7. White in the Moon the Long Road Lies
21. Somervell: A Shropshire Lad - 8. Think No More, Lad
22. Somervell: A Shropshire Lad - 9. Into My Heart an Air That Kills
23. Somervell: A Shropshire Lad - 10. The Lads in Their Hundreds
24. Head: Money, O!
25. Head: The Lord's Prayer
26. Traditional: The Sally Gardens - Arr. Britten
27. Anonymous: Oliver Cromwell - Arr. Britten
28. Traditional: The Foggy Foggy Dew
29. Warlock: Captain Stratton's Fancy
30. Parry, Traditional: Love Is A Bable Opus 152 No.3
31. Dunhill: The Cloths of Heaven
32. Stanford: The Aquiline Snub
33. Stanford: The Compleat Virtuoso
34. Stanford: The Clown's Song From Twelth Night, Op.65 - 1. O Mistress Mine
ID produktu: 1257534601
Tytuł: Silent Noon
Wykonawca: Bryn Terfel, Malcolm Martineau
Solista: Bryn Terfel, Malcolm Martineau
Dystrybutor: Deutsche Grammophon (DG)
Gatunek: Classical
Data premiery: 2014-01-07
Rok wydania: 2004
Liczba płyt: 1
Format: MP3
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