Shining in the Dark (audiobook mp3)

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From the founder of the #1 Stephen King news website Lilja's Library comes a terrifying and deliciously creepy anthology of horror stories, including a rare story from Stephen King himself, classics by Clive Barker and Edgar Allan Poe, and a novella by John Ajvide Lindqvist (Let the Right One In). Celebrating twenty years of the expansive Stephen King fan site Lilja's Library, this creepy collection of stories is perfect for horror fans of all backgrounds. With a terrifying story that has never been previously included in any of Stephen King's collections, Shining in the Dark is an unforgettable anthology, featuring short stories by some of the genre's best-known and most talented authors. Stories include: ';The Blue Air Compressor' by Stephen King ';The Net' by Jack Ketchum and P. D. Cacek ';The Novel of the Holocaust' by Stewart O'Nan ';Aeliana' by Bev Vincent ';Pidgin and Theresa' by Clive Barker ';An End To All Things '; by Brian Keene ';Cemetery Dance' by Richard Chizmar ';Drawn to the Flame' by Kevin Quigley ';The Companion' by Ramsey Campbell ';The Tell-Tale Heart' by Edgar Allan Poe ';A Mother's Love' by Brian James Freeman ';The Keeper's Companion' by John Ajvide Lindqvist
ID produktu: 1272932480
Tytuł: Shining in the Dark
Autor: Lilja Hans-Ake
Lektor: Petkoff Robert, Roy Jacques, Brill Corey, Simonelli Pete, Maby Madeleine, Davies Matthew Lloyd
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Język oryginału: angielski
Data premiery: 2021-03-19
Rok wydania: 2019
Format: MP3
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