Seasonal Self-Care Rituals (audiobook mp3)

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Reap the health benefits of Ayurveda and optimize your seasonal routines with powerful, personalized self-care rituals to achieve sustainable weight loss, increased focus, and improved mental health.According to the ancient texts of Ayurveda, ';All diseases begin at the junctions of the seasons.' When we push against the essence of each seasongoing to bed late in the winter, eating sweet, heavy foods in the spring, or neglecting our skincare in the summerwe fall out of sync with nature and optimal health. Drawing on more than a decade of experience, Chopra-certified teacher Susan Weis-Bohlen guides you through simple yet profoundly effective shifts to take a more holistic approach to your health, in line with traditional wisdom but adapted to modern lifestyles. In this book you will find: -An Introduction to Ayurvedic practices, including meditation, breath work, chakras, mantras, yoga, and aromatherapy and essential oils -A dosha quiz to assess your mind-body constitution -A practical guide to the seasons explaining their relationship to each dosha -Personalized Guidance to build a daily routine for each season -Food as medicine recipes like Golden Milk for Sleep and Good Digestion and Spring Detox Soup An essential guide to year-round health, Seasonal Self-Care Rituals will lead you through healing rituals and natural remedies to support your ideal body weight, increased focus and mental clarity, a healthier gut and microbiome, improved stamina, better sleep, and emotional wellness.

ID produktu: 1283399292
Tytuł: Seasonal Self-Care Rituals
Autor: Weis-Bohlen Susan
Lektor: Flanagan Lisa
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Język oryginału: angielski
Data premiery: 2021-09-24
Rok wydania: 2020
Format: MP3
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