Roxanna Panufnik: Beastly Tales (words by Vikram Seth) (Album mp3)

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3 produkty

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1. Beastly Tales, The Crocodile and the Monkey: On the Ganga's greenest isle lived Kuroop the crocodile (Narrator, Monkey, Mr Crocodile)
2. Beastly Tales, The Crocodile and the Monkey: One day, Mrs Crocodile, gorged on mangoes, with a smile (Narrator, Mrs Crocodile, Mr Crocodile)
3. Beastly Tales, The Crocodile and the Monkey: When the monkey saw Kuroop he let out a joyful whoop (Narrator, Monkey, Mr Crocodile)
4. Beastly Tales, The Crocodile and the Monkey: Death by drowning, death by slaughter - death by land or death by water (Monkey, Narrator, Mr Crocodile)
5. Beastly Tales, The Frog and the Nightingale: Brekek, ko-ash/Once upon a time a frog croaked away in Bingle Bog (Frog, Narrator, Nightingale, Creatures of the Bog)
6. Beastly Tales, The Frog and the Nightingale: Next night when the nightingale shook her head and twitched her tail (Narrator, Nightingale, Frog)
7. Beastly Tales, The Frog and the Nightingale: Though next morning it was raining, he began her vocal training (Narrator, Nightingale, Frog)
8. Beastly Tales, The Frog and the Nightingale: Every day the frog who'd sold her songs for silver tried to scold her (Narrator, Frog, Nightingale)
9. Beastly Tales, The Hare and the Tortoise: Once or twice upon a time in the land of Runnyrhyme (Narrator, Hare, Mouse, Vole, Tortoise)
10. Beastly Tales, The Hare and the Tortoise: One day by the Fauna Fountain near the noble Mammal Mountain (Narrator, Hare, Mouse, Tortoise)
11. Beastly Tales, The Hare and the Tortoise: 'Here!' the hare said: 'Sunday noon'...So, at the appointed time all the beasts of Runnyrhyme (Hare, Narrator, General Public, Reporters, Secretary Bird, Tortoise)
12. Beastly Tales, The Hare and the Tortoise: Suddenly the dizzy hare saw a field of mushrooms where (Narrator, Hare)
13. Beastly Tales, The Hare and the Tortoise: Off the hare went, fancy-free. One hour passed, then two, then three (Narrator, Tortoise)
14. Beastly Tales, The Hare and the Tortoise: But it was in fact the hare, with a calm insouciant air (Narrator, Pressmen, Will Wolf, Hare, Mole, Mouse)
ID produktu: 1083038555
Tytuł: Roxanna Panufnik: Beastly Tales (words by Vikram Seth)
Wykonawca: Sian Edwards, City Of London Sinfonia
Solista: Sian Edwards, City Of London Sinfonia
Dyrygent: Sian Edwards
Orkiestra: City Of London Sinfonia
Dystrybutor: Warner Classics
Gatunek: Classical
Data premiery: 2006-05-15
Rok wydania: 2006
Liczba płyt: 1
Format: MP3
Indeks: 22430335
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