Rossini: Petite Messe Solennelle (Album mp3)

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3 produkty

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1. Rossini: Petite Messe solennelle - for 4 Soloists and Orchestra - Kyrie - Kyrie - Christe - Kyrie
2. Rossini: Petite Messe solennelle - for 4 Soloists and Orchestra - Gloria - Gloria
3. Rossini: Petite Messe solennelle - for 4 Soloists and Orchestra - Gloria - Gratias
4. Rossini: Petite Messe solennelle - for 4 Soloists and Orchestra - Gloria - Domine Deus
5. Rossini: Petite Messe solennelle - for 4 Soloists and Orchestra - Gloria - Qui tollis
6. Rossini: Petite Messe solennelle - for 4 Soloists and Orchestra - Gloria - Quoniam
7. Rossini: Petite Messe solennelle - for 4 Soloists and Orchestra - Gloria - Cum Sancto Spiritu
1. Rossini: Petite Messe solennelle - for 4 Soloists and Orchestra - Credo - Credo
2. Rossini: Petite Messe solennelle - for 4 Soloists and Orchestra - Credo - Crucifixus
3. Rossini: Petite Messe solennelle - for 4 Soloists and Orchestra - Credo - Et resurrexit
4. Rossini: Petite Messe solennelle - for 4 Soloists and Orchestra - Prélude religieux - (pendant l'Offertoire)
5. Rossini: Petite Messe solennelle - for 4 Soloists and Orchestra - Sanctus - Sanctus
6. Rossini: Petite Messe solennelle - for 4 Soloists and Orchestra - O salutaris
7. Rossini: Petite Messe solennelle - for 4 Soloists and Orchestra - Agnus Dei
ID produktu: 1089426512
Tytuł: Rossini: Petite Messe Solennelle
Wykonawca: Various Artists, Coro del Teatro Comunale di Bologna, Orchestra del Teatro Comunale di Bologna, Riccardo Chailly
Solista: Various Artists, Coro del Teatro Comunale di Bologna, Orchestra del Teatro Comunale di Bologna, Riccardo Chailly
Dyrygent: Riccardo Chailly
Orkiestra: Orchestra Del Teatro Comunale Di Bologna
Dystrybutor: Universal
Gatunek: Classical
Data premiery: 2014-11-10
Rok wydania: 1995
Liczba płyt: 2
Format: MP3
Wersja: 2 CDs
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