Recording Glenn Gould's Goldberg Variations - Track-by-Track by Producer Richard Einhorn (Album mp3)

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1. My Name is Richard Einhorn
2. Aria Take 1
3. "A Great Take"
4. The Recording is a Really Rare Treat
5. "That's the Take Folks"
6. The First Time I Heard Glenn Gould's Name
7. Level Test
8. Glenn Had This Theory he Wanted to do for the Goldberg Variations
9. Wrong Feed - Glenn Gould Recognises Which Take it is
10. Richard, We've Got a Problem
11. Feed with Glenn Playing Along
12. He's Going to Play Quizz Games With You
13. "Hell of a Good Take!"
14. Each Variation Was Some Proportional Tempo of the Preceding Variation
15. "God, that is a silly piece"
16. This is a Prime Example of Glenn Innovating in the Recording Studio
17. Feed with Glenn Playing Chords
18. We Were Still Pretty Much on the Cutting Edge of Digital Recording
19. Problems with Feed - Explanation
20. To Refine a Very Highly Developed and Nuanced Performance
21. "We have to get a Little Level"
22. Glenn Gould's Chair
23. Noisy Chair
24. The Mood in the Studio Was Intensely Focused on Music
25. Discussion
26. He Would Improvise Things That Were Often Not Recorded, But Were Amazing
27. Improvisation on JS Bachs Sarabande
28. His Uncanny Ability to Make People Around Him Feel as Intelligent as He Was
29. Preparation
30. He Could Detect Very Fine Nuances Between Takes
31. Rehearsal
32. Warming Up His Hands in the Sink
33. "Strike that Ladder"
34. The Score he Was Recording From Had Very Few Marks at All
35. Variation 8 Remake Insert Take 6 (7 Attempts)
36. "Okay, Between All These Things..."
37. Basically this is Glenn's Final Testament
38. Aria da capo_Final Edited Version
ID produktu: 1337645492
Tytuł: Recording Glenn Gould's Goldberg Variations - Track-by-Track by Producer Richard Einhorn
Wykonawca: Glenn Gould, Richard Einhorn
Solista: Glenn Gould, Richard Einhorn
Dystrybutor: Sony Classical
Gatunek: Classical
Data premiery: 2022-09-30
Rok wydania: 2022
Liczba płyt: 1
Format: MP3
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