Perfect Stranger (audiobook mp3)

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From the author of the New York Times bestseller All the Missing Girlsthe gripping story of a journalist who sets out to find her missing friend, a friend who may never have existed at all. ';Think: Luckiest Girl Alive, The Girl on the Train, Gone Girl' (TheSkimm).When Leah Stevens' career implodes, a chance meeting with her old friend Emmy Grey offers her the perfect opportunity to start over. Emmy, just out of a bad relationship, convinces Leah to come live with her in rural Pennsylvania, where there are teaching positions available and no one knows Leah's past. Or Emmy's. When the town sees a spate of vicious crimes and Emmy Grey disappears, Leah begins to realize how very little she knows about her friend and roommate. Unable to find friends, family, a paper trail or a digital footprint, the police question whether Emmy Grey existed at all. And mark Leah as a prime suspect. Fighting the doubts of the police and her own sanity, Leah must uncover the truth about Emmy Greyand along the way, confront her old demons, find out who she can really trust, and clear her own name. Megan Miranda delivers a deep, dark and twisty novel just as thrilling as her New York Times bestseller All the Missing Girls.
ID produktu: 1272881919
Tytuł: Perfect Stranger
Autor: Miranda Megan
Lektor: Ross Rebekkah
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Język oryginału: angielski
Data premiery: 2019-10-17
Rok wydania: 2017
Format: MP3
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