Peppa Pig: Peppa Goes Swimming and Other Audio Stories (audiobook mp3)

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Peppa Pig comes to audio! Peppa Goes Swimming and Other Audio Stories is a wonderful audiobook collection based on the hit TV show Peppa Pig, featuring newly recorded narration by John Sparkes, a full cast of voices from the original TV dialogue, music and special effects. This collection contains: Peppa Goes Swimming: In this piggy tale its Georges first visit to the swimming pool and hes scared of the water. How will Mummy and Daddy Pig ever convince him to get in? Peppa Goes Camping: Peppa and her family are going on holiday to the countryside in their camper van. Find out what happens when they discover the delights of Mrs Camper Van - otherwise known as satellite navigation! Recycling Fun: Peppa and George are learning all about recycling, and so they pay Miss Rabbit a visit. She loves to recycle everything . . . even cars! Sports Day: Peppa and George arent winning any prizes at school sports day, but theres one more event to go: the boys-versus-girls tug of war! Daddy Pigs Old Chair: Naughty Mummy Pig has given Daddy Pigs favourite old chair to the jumble sale! How is he ever going to get it back?

ID produktu: 1242377109
Tytuł: Peppa Pig: Peppa Goes Swimming and Other Audio Stories
Autor: Sparkes John
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Język oryginału: angielski
Data premiery: 2019-10-01
Rok wydania: 2012
Format: MP3
Indeks: 35591856
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