One Perfect Word (audiobook mp3)

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True stories that illustrate the profound impact that focusing on a single wordsuch as balance, surrender, or believefor a whole year can bring you, from award-winning, perennially bestselling writer Debbie Macomber. In a world overwhelmed with meaningless words, the simplicity of one perfect word becomes profound. In One Perfect Word, Debbie shares stories of how her life changed for the better when she took the time to intentionally focus on a single word for an entire year. Words like ';surrender,' ';believe,' and ';purpose' took on new meaning for Debbie when she tried to live by them. Learn how Debbie discovered that the word she chose often foreshadowed the crisis she would face in a particular year. For example, the year she chose the word ';balance,' her career moved to a whole new level. The pressures on Debbie to be speaking, promoting, and mostly living on the road were overwhelming. It was her yearlong focus on that all-too-difficult word balance, and a plea from a lonely granddaughter, that helped her refine her schedule. You'll be encouraged to find your own word to guide you, and see how one perfect word can make all the difference in a spiritually fulfilling life. In the tradition of One Simple Act and God's Guest List, One Perfect Word is full of inspiring stories about how just one word can change someone's world.
ID produktu: 1273064722
Tytuł: One Perfect Word
Autor: Macomber Debbie
Lektor: DeVries Beth
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Język oryginału: angielski
Data premiery: 2019-10-17
Rok wydania: 2012
Format: MP3
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