Montana (audiobook mp3)

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Her grandfather wants her to come home, and Molly thinks she just might. His ranch will be a good place for her sons to grow up, a place to escape big-city influences. Then she learnsfrom a stranger named Sam Dakotathat her grandfather is ill. Possibly dying. Molly packs up the kids without a second thought and makes the long drive to Sweetgrass, Montana. Once she arrives, she immediately has questions about Sam Dakota. Why is he working on her grandfathers ranch? Why doesnt the sheriff trust him? Just who is he? But despite everything, Molly cant deny her attraction to Samuntil her ailing grandfather tries to push them into marriage. Moving to the state of Montana is one thing; entering the state of matrimony is another! Some borders arent so easy to cross. . . .

Well-developed emotions and appealing characters Macomber is a skilled storyteller who turns [Montana] into an engaging . . . love story.

Publishers Weekly

ID produktu: 1241254476
Tytuł: Montana
Autor: Macomber Debbie
Lektor: Beresford Emily
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Język oryginału: angielski
Data premiery: 2019-08-21
Rok wydania: 2012
Format: MP3
Indeks: 35009672
średnia 5
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