Midnight Wife (audiobook mp3)

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Kelsey Bloom has been living a lie, hiding in plain sight from the past that broke her, and everything is going according to plan. She has made herself at home in the small town of Sanlow, Montana, and her life seems perfect from the outside...until she's attacked by someone who claims to know her secrets.The wounds are deep and the consequences will last a lifetime, but she can't tell anyone what happened to her, not even her husband. One word and her cover will be blown.While she struggles to recover from the trauma, her attacker is found dead in the lake close to where the attack happened.She was the last person to see him alive.As Kelsey tries to understand exactly what happened that fateful night, she makes a shocking discovery. She's a pawn in a deadly game that could end with her death or the loss of her freedom.Is she strong enough to fight back, or is it game over?
ID produktu: 1373344157
Tytuł: Midnight Wife
Autor: L.G. Davis , Amanda Dolan
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Data premiery: 2023-03-18
Rok wydania: 2020
Format: MP3
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