Maynard: The XII Wonders Of The World; Character Songs (Album mp3)

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32,99 zł
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3 produkty

Cena zestawu:

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Opłać i pobierz
1. Maynard: The Twelve Wonders of the World (1611) - 1. The Courtier
2. Maynard: The Twelve Wonders of the World (1611) - 2. The Divine
3. Maynard: The Twelve Wonders of the World (1611) - 3. The Souldiour
4. Maynard: The Twelve Wonders of the World (1611) - 4. The Lawyer
5. Maynard: The Twelve Wonders of the World (1611) - 5. The Physition
6. Maynard: The Twelve Wonders of the World (1611) - 6. The Marchant
7. Maynard: The Twelve Wonders of the World (1611) - 7. The Countrey Gentleman
8. Maynard: The Twelve Wonders of the World (1611) - 8. The Batchelar
9. Maynard: The Twelve Wonders of the World (1611) - 9. The Marryed Man
10. Maynard: The Twelve Wonders of the World (1611) - 10. The Wife
11. Maynard: The Twelve Wonders of the World (1611) - 11. The Widow
12. Maynard: The Twelve Wonders of the World (1611) - 12. The Maid
13. Campion: Jack And Joan
14. Hume: Tobacco, Tobacco
15. Anonymous: A Poor Soul Sat Sighing
16. Anonymous: The Dark Is My Delight
17. Anonymous: O Let Us Howle
18. Ravenscroft: Yonder Comes A Courteous Knight
19. Anonymous: Come Live With Me And Be My Love
20. Anonymous: What Ist'ye lack?
21. Parsons: Joan Quoth John
ID produktu: 1095174683
Tytuł: Maynard: The XII Wonders Of The World; Character Songs
Wykonawca: The Consort Of Musicke, Anthony Rooley
Solista: The Consort of Musicke, Anthony Rooley
Dyrygent: Anthony Rooley
Orkiestra: The Consort of Musicke
Dystrybutor: Decca Music Group Ltd.
Gatunek: Classical
Data premiery: 2014-03-17
Rok wydania: 2012
Liczba płyt: 1
Format: MP3
Indeks: 23004214
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