Lymph & Longevity (audiobook mp3)

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Learn how you can boost your immune system and help prevent virtually every major medical conditionincluding cancer, heart disease, neurological disorders, GI issues, and obesityby keeping your lymph system healthy, as explained by renowned cardiologist Gerald Lemole.The lymphatic system serves as our body's maintenance department and has a direct effect on our cardiovascular, neurological, and immune systems. It has also been one of the most misunderstood systems. Until now. At last, renowned cardiothoracic surgeon and pioneer in the study of lymph Gerald Lemole explains in straightforward language why the lymphatic system is the key factor in longevity and disease prevention, and how improving lymphatic flow can help our bodies eliminate the toxins and waste products that contribute to injury, inflammation, and disease. In ten short chapters he demystifies the lymphatic system, describes how powerful it is, and shows how to maintain a healthy lymph system to combat specific diseases and health problemsfrom heart disease to cognitive function to weight management. Featuring sidebars with charts and graphs that illustrate basic principles, Lymph & Longevity also includes flow-friendly menus, recipes, and information on supplements, as well as basic yoga and meditation guides. Illuminating, informative, and practical this essential guide is more timely now than ever as we continue to work to protect ourselves and our communities against Covid-19 and other viruses.

ID produktu: 1308573025
Tytuł: Lymph & Longevity
Autor: Gerald Lemole
Lektor: Sanders Fred
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Język oryginału: angielski
Data premiery: 2021-10-05
Rok wydania: 2021
Format: MP3
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