Love Unrehearsed (audiobook mp3)

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At last, the rest of the story that began in Love Unscripted.At last, the rest of the story that began in Love Unscripted. There is no rehearsal for true love. When A-list movie star Ryan Christensen ducked into her pub to escape his screaming fans, never in a million years did Taryn Mitchell think her life was about to change forever. But now, eight months later, after a whirlwind romance, Taryn wakes up in Ryans Hollywood hotel room to find a diamond to die for on her left ring fingerand her face splashed across the cover of every gossip magazine. Ryans very public proposal is catnip to the tabloids, his management team is worried, and Taryn must figure out how a small-town girl like her fits into his glittering world. What does it take to make a relationship work amidst telephoto lenses, daily on-set temptations, and jealous fans who will stop at nothing to keep her from walking down the aisle with the man of her dreams? With no script to follow and no chance for a dress rehearsal, Taryn and Ryan will be forced to take the plunge into real life and risk everything to make their love last.
ID produktu: 1272869689
Tytuł: Love Unrehearsed
Autor: Reber Tina
Lektor: Maby Madeleine
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Język oryginału: angielski
Data premiery: 2019-10-17
Rok wydania: 2012
Format: MP3
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