Little Bit Like Desire (audiobook mp3)

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Shaw Jennings, the seductive, enigmatic owner of Body Electric Tattoo works hard and plays even harder. He's built a life he's proud of, and although that doesn't include a significant other, he's got plenty of sexy men to keep his bed warm at night. None of them have ever made Shaw sit up and take notice for long though. But that all changes when a famous rock star walks through his door. Trent Knox had the world in the palm of his hand as the lead singer of TBD, one of the biggest rock bands in history...until the day he walked away. A getaway to South Haven Island seems like the perfect place for Trent to find himself again and reignite his passion for music. But what he never expects is to find his muse in a six-five, tatted-up badass whose sinful smile he can't get out of his mind. The only problem? Trent's a notorious womanizer, and Shaw isn't interested in being someone's experiment-muse or otherwise. But in a town as small as this one, Shaw is finding it more and more difficult to keep the persistent rocker at arm's length. As the tension between them builds, maybe it's time to finally give in and get carried away with something a little bit like...desire.
ID produktu: 1373074072
Tytuł: Little Bit Like Desire
Autor: Blaine Brooke
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Data premiery: 2023-03-17
Rok wydania: 2020
Format: MP3
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