Journey of Humanity (audiobook mp3)

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Brought to you by Penguin. Includes a recording of the Intelligence Squared event, featuring Oded Galor in conversation with Kamal Ahmed. A radically uplifting account of our species' progress, from one of the world's pre-eminent thinkers - with breakthrough insights into the power of diversity and our capacity to tackle climate change. What are the keys to human progress? Why are living standards so unequal around the world? How might all humans thrive and survive? In The Journey of Humanity, Oded Galor offers a revelatory explanation of how humanity became, only very recently, the unique species to have escaped a life of subsistence poverty, enjoying previously unthinkable wealth and longevity. He reveals why this process has been so unequal around the world, resulting in the great disparities between nations that exist today. He shows why so many of our efforts to improve lives have failed and how they might succeed. 'Completely brilliant and utterly original ... a book for our epoch' Jon Snow, former presenter Channel 4 News 'Astounding in scope and insight ... provides the keys to the betterment of our species' Nouriel Roubini, author of Crisis Economics 'A masterful sweep through the human odyssey ... if you liked Sapiens, you'll love this' Lewis Dartnell, author of Origins (c) Oded Galor 2022 (P) Penguin Audio 2022
ID produktu: 1334937259
Tytuł: Journey of Humanity
Autor: Galor Oded
Lektor: Holdbrook-Smith Kobna
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Data premiery: 2022-04-07
Rok wydania: 2022
Format: MP3
Indeks: 57043838
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