John Landis Presents The Library of Horror Haunted Houses (audiobook mp3)

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Classic haunted house ghost stories curated by world-renowned filmmaker and horror genre authority John Landis.This beautifully presented, highly collectable anthology features ghost stories that have enthralled, terrified and inspired, decade after decade. Some are relatively well known; others are long-lost treasures, awaiting rediscovery.The selection includes tales of terror by Bram Stoker, H. P. Lovecraft and Percival Landon; studies of creeping dread by Edgar Allan Poe and Henry James; short, sharp shockers by Ambrose Bierce, M.R. James and Lafcadio Hearn; and comedic masterpieces by Oscar Wilde and Saki.Mr Landis' own introduction explores each tale's fascinating impact on the contemporary horror genre.Step inside these ghost-ridden repositories of supernatural evil, if you dare..."The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown." (H. P. Lovecraft)Order of stories:Turn of the Screw by Henry JamesFall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allen PoeThe Haunted and the Haunters by Edward Bulward-LyttonThe Empty House by Algernon BlackwoodThe Red Room by H. G. WellsThe Shunned House by H. P. LovecraftThe Spook House by Ambrose BierceThe Canterville Ghost by Oscar WildeThurnley Abbey by Perceval LandonThe Judge's House by Bram StokerThe Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte GilmanThe Haunted Dolls' House by M. R. JamesLa Horla by Guy de MaupassantThe Reconciliation by Lafcadio HearnThe Open Window by Saki 2020 John Landis 2020 DK Audio

ID produktu: 1283983824
Tytuł: John Landis Presents The Library of Horror Haunted Houses
Autor: Landis John
Lektor: May Roger, Maclean Hillary
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Język oryginału: angielski
Data premiery: 2021-10-01
Rok wydania: 2020
Format: MP3
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