Ireland: Piano Concerto and solo piano works (Album mp3)

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3 produkty

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1. Piano Concerto in E flat (1993 Digital Remaster): I. In tempo moderato
2. Piano Concerto in E flat (1993 Digital Remaster): II. Lento espressivo -
3. Piano Concerto in E flat (1993 Digital Remaster): III. Allegro giocoso
4. Two Pieces (1979 Digital Remaster): 1. April
5. The Almond Trees
6. Columbine
7. Preludes (1979 Digital Remaster): 3. The Holy Boy
8. Decorations (1979 Digital Remaster): 1. The Island Spell
9. Decorations (1979 Digital Remaster): 2. Moonglade
10. Decorations (1979 Digital Remaster): 3. The Scarlet Ceremonies
11. Sarnia - An Island Sequence (1979 Digital Remaster): 1. Le Catioroc
12. Sarnia - An Island Sequence (1979 Digital Remaster): 2. In a May Morning
13. Sarnia - An Island Sequence (1979 Digital Remaster): 3. Song of the Spring Tides
14. Three Dances (2006 Digital Remaster): 1. Gypsy Dance
15. Three Dances (2006 Digital Remaster): 2. Country Dance
16. Three Dances (2006 Digital Remaster): 3. Reapers' Dance
1. London Pieces: 1. Chelsea Reach
2. London Pieces: 2. Ragamuffin
3. London Pieces: 3. Soho Forenoons
4. The Darkened Valley
5. Three Pastels: 1. A Grecian Lad
6. Three Pastels: 2. The Boy Bishop
7. Three Pastels: 3. Puck's Birthday
8. In Those Days: 1. Daydream
9. In Those Days: 2. Meridian
10. A Sea Idyll
11. Preludes: 1. The Undertone
12. Preludes: 2. Obsession
13. Preludes: 4. Fire of Spring
14. The Towing Path
15. Summer Evening
16. Green Ways: 1. The Cherry Tree
17. Green Ways: 2. Cypress
18. Green Ways: 3. The Palm and May
19. Two Pieces (1991 Digital Remaster): 1. April
ID produktu: 1083460286
Tytuł: Ireland: Piano Concerto and solo piano works
Wykonawca: Colin Horsley, Daniel Adni, Desmond Wright
Solista: Colin Horsley, Daniel Adni, Desmond Wright
Dystrybutor: Warner Classics
Gatunek: Classical
Data premiery: 2006-03-20
Rok wydania: 2006
Liczba płyt: 2
Format: MP3
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