Heart of Henry Quantum (audiobook mp3)

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In the bestselling tradition of A Man Called Ove and the beloved film Love Actually comes a quirky, winsome tale of an unexpected love triangle late in life (Publishers Weekly) between a socially awkward manas he goes on a quest to find his wife a last-minute Christmas giftand the girl who got away.Henry Quantum has several thoughts going through his head at any given time, so its no surprise when he forgets something very importantspecifically, a Christmas gift for his wife, which he realizes two days before Christmas. Henry sets off in search of the perfect present for her: a bottle of Chanel No. 5 perfume. But much like Henrys ever-wandering mind, his quest takes him in different and unexpected directions, including running into the former love of his life, Daisy. His wife, meanwhile, unhappy in her marriage, is hiding a secret of her own. And Daisy, who has made the unsettling choice of leaving her husband to strike out on her own, finds herself questioning whether she and Henry belong together after all. An at times funny, at times profound (Kirkus Reviews) debut from author Pepper Harding shows how the seemingly insignificant events of one single day can change our lives foreverperhaps, if were lucky, for the better.
ID produktu: 1272856445
Tytuł: Heart of Henry Quantum
Autor: Harding Pepper
Lektor: Heyborne Kirby, Thaxton Candace, Maby Madeleine
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Język oryginału: angielski
Data premiery: 2019-10-17
Rok wydania: 2016
Format: MP3
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