Händel: Alexander's Feast or The Power of Music (Album mp3)

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3 produkty

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1. Part I: Overture
2. Part I: Andante
3. Part I: 'T was At The Royal Feast (Recitative)
4. Part I: Happy, Happy, Happy Pair! (Aria)
5. Part I: Happy, Happy, Happy Pair! (Chorus)
6. Part I: Timotheus, Plac'd On High (Recitative)
7. Part I: The Song Began From Jove (Acc.)
8. Part I: The List'ning Crowd (Chorus)
9. Part I: With Ravish'd Ears (Aria)
10. Part I: The Praise Of Bacchus (Recitative)
11. Part I: Bacchus, Ever Fair And Young (Aria)
12. Part I: Bacchus' Blessings Are A Treasure (Chorus)
13. Part I: Sooth'd With The Sound (Recitative)
14. Part I: He Chose A Mournful Muse (Acc.)
15. Part I: He Sung Darius Great And Good (Aria)
16. Part I: With Downcast Looks (Acc.)
17. Part I: Behold Darius Great And Good (Chorus)
18. Part I: The Mighty Master Smil'd To See (Recitative)
19. Part I: Softly Sweet (Arioso)
20. Part I: War, He Sung, Is Toil And Trouble (Aria)
21. Part I: The Many Rend The Skies (Chorus)
22. Part I: The Prince, Unable To Conceal His Pain (Aria)
23. Part I: The Many Rend The Skies (Chorus da Capo)
1. Part II: Now Strike The Golden Lyre (Acc.)
2. Part II: Break His Bands Of Sleep Asunder (Chorus)
3. Part II: Hark Hark! (Acc.)
4. Part II: Revenge, Revenge, Timotheus Cries (Aria)
5. Part II: Behold A Ghastly Band (Largo)
6. Part II: Revenge, Revenge, Timotheus Cries (Aria da Capo)
7. Part II: Give The Vengeance Due (Acc.)
8. Part II: The Princes Applaud With A Furious Joy (Aria)
9. Part II: Thais Led The Way (Aria)
10. Part II: The Princes Applaud (Chorus)
11. Part II: Thus, Long Ago (Acc.)
12. Part II: At Last Divine Cecilia Came (Chorus)
13. Part II: Let Old Timotheus Yield The Prize (Recitative)
14. Part II: Let Old Timotheus Yield The Prize (Final)
ID produktu: 1251784277
Tytuł: Händel: Alexander's Feast or The Power of Music
Wykonawca: Vox Orchester
Solista: Vox Orchester
Dyrygent: Lorenzo Ghirlanda
Dystrybutor: deutsche harmonia mundi
Gatunek: Classical
Data premiery: 2020-10-09
Rok wydania: 2020
Liczba płyt: 2
Format: MP3
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