God Desire (audiobook mp3)

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From the bestselling author of Jews Don't Count' A hugely heartfelt, funny, kind, fascinating, human and clever book ' ALAIN DE BOTTON' Magnificent. Breathtaking. And shockingly rare ... another one-sitting wonder' STEPHEN FRYDavid Baddiel would love there to be a God. He has spent a lot of time fantasising about how much better life would be if there actually was such a thing as a Superhero Dad who chased off Death. Unfortunately for him, there isn't. Or at least, that is Baddiel's view in this book, which argues that it is indeed the very intensity of his, and everyone else's, desire for God to exist that proves His non-existence. Anything so deeply wished-for we will, considers Baddiel, make real. The admission of his own divine yearnings makes for a book that is more vulnerable - and more understanding of the value and power of religion - than most atheist polemics. A philosophical essay that utilises Baddiel's trademarks of comedy, storytelling and personal asides, The God Desire offers a highly readable new perspective on the most ancient of debates.

ID produktu: 1435469798
Tytuł: God Desire
Autor: Baddiel David
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Data premiery: 2023-12-08
Rok wydania: 2023
Format: MP3
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