Get the Guy (audiobook mp3)

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Most dating books tell you what NOT to do. Heres a book dedicated to telling you what you CAN do.In his book, Get the Guy, Matthew Husseyrelationship expert, matchmaker, and star of the reality show Ready for Lovereveals the secrets of the male mind and the fundamentals of dating and mating for a proven, revolutionary approach to help women to find lasting love.Matthew Hussey has coached thousands of high-powered CEOs, showing them how to develop confidence and build relationships that translate into professional success. Many of Matthews male clients pressed him for advice on how to apply his winning strategies not to just get the job, but how to get the girl. As his reputation grew, Hussey was approached by more and more women, eager to hear what he had learned about the male perspective on love and romance.From landing a first date to establishing emotional intimacy, playful flirtation to red-hot bedroom tips, Matthews insightfulness, irreverence, and warmth makes Get the Guy: Learn Secrets of the Male Mind to Find the Man You Want and the Love You Deserve a one-of-a-kind relationship guide and the handbook for every woman who wants to get the guy shes been waiting for.
ID produktu: 1273037685
Tytuł: Get the Guy
Autor: Hussey Matthew
Lektor: Hussey Matthew
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Język oryginału: angielski
Data premiery: 2019-10-17
Rok wydania: 2013
Format: MP3
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