George Foreman's Guide to Life (audiobook mp3)

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George Foreman knows what it's like to get knocked down -- in the ring and in life -- and he knows how to get back up again. Two-time heavyweight boxing champion of the world, he knows what it takes to succees. He has a wealth of life experience to share, and in George Foreman's Guide to Life: How to Get Up Off the Canvas When Life Knocks You Down, he does just that. Here's what George has to say about: Taking advice: "The real answers you are looking for are inside you. The hard part is being able to read them." Being afraid of change: "Be afraid to stay where you are in life. Stepping what makes you good, better, and even the best at what you're doing." Getting older: "Old age is not something that happens to you; it's a choice you make. you can look in the mirror and cry...Or you can look in that mirror and dream another dream." Learning from your mistakes: "I try to let the past stay where it is and let today speakfor itself...Learn from your mistakes, but don't be chained to them." Determination: "There are always others trying to get to the same goal you are, only they decide to stop halfway down the road. And when they walk away, they leave the road paved for you." Marriage: "Let every day be like the first day you fell in love. It's about trying to put your best self forward, not just to others, but to the one you've pledged your life to." Children: "I believe how you teach your kids life's lessons is as important as what what you teach them. You've got to love kids into another gear."
ID produktu: 1273021596
Tytuł: George Foreman's Guide to Life
Autor: Foreman George
Lektor: Foreman George
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Język oryginału: angielski
Data premiery: 2019-10-17
Rok wydania: 2003
Format: MP3
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