Full Figured 6 (audiobook mp3)

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Big, bold, and beautiful are three adjectives that describe Erika to a tee. Named after her mother's favorite soap opera vixen, Erika Kane is self-assured, headstrong, and opinionated. But she's also unlucky in love. Whenever Erika thinks she's found everlasting love, it always ends up being short-lived-literally. She has three dead husbands to prove the point, and it's earned her the title "The Black Widow." But just when Erika is about to give up on true love, she learns that, just like in the soaps, love sometimes shows up when you least expect it-though sometimes it can be deceiving.Once again, life has gone wrong for Artemis Clay. It seems she's always unlucky in love, and this time it's even worse than she could imagine. Her own family looks down on her, and everything seems hopeless. Artemis decides to leave everything behind for a last-minute getaway and, while enjoying her newfound freedom, discovers not one but two reminders that all hope may not be lost. Is she ready to take a chance on love again?Max is a music mogul in the making, and with his wife Trina's support, he's bound to succeed. Of course, that all depends on what happens with Sharon, who could write a book and give seminars on what it is to be a true ghetto queen.Ahmad is a born-again virgin, only he can't figure out why. No matter what he does or says, his wife, Shay, refuses to be intimate with him. What happens when her decision to confide in him is too late?

ID produktu: 1283540072
Tytuł: Full Figured 6
Autor: Weber Carl , Pete Eric , Parks Electa Rome
Lektor: Belle Ida
Wydawnictwo: Gardners
Język wydania: angielski
Język oryginału: angielski
Data premiery: 2021-09-28
Rok wydania: 2019
Format: MP3
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